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Yes, add No Sweat Workouts to my order - ON SALE $29!

Boost your fat loss progress with No Sweat WorkoutsSkip the gym (and the shower) with 4 weeks of beginner strength and pilates workouts you can do anytime, anywhere and never miss a beat. Build a super simple workout habit alongside your nutrition habit to make double the fat loss progress with this one-time special offer!

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Here's everything you're getting with The Balance Body Blueprint:

  • 4 quick behavioral science lessons to help you turn smoothie-drinking into a habit ($300 value)

  • Printable worksheets to fill out with each lesson ($19)

  • 16 delicious smoothie recipes that help you lean out, lower your stress levels, and feel energized all day long ($37)

  • Done-for-you grocery list with trusted, recommended brands ($19)

  • 8 bonus lunch, dinner and snack recipes with the 4-key ingredients ($37)

  • A 4-week smoothie calendar and recipe cards ($27)


Normal price: $77

Special limited-time

pricing: $37!

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